Mobile LiDAR

G&AI has performed mobile LiDAR on hundreds of projects across the state. G&AI utilizes the Leica Pegasus: Two mobile LiDAR mapping system. The system is the most advanced design-grade mapping collection system on the market and incorporates a state-of-the-art LiDAR sensor, eight high-definition cameras, and precision positional/navigational equipment to collect rich data at highway speeds. The system is capable of collecting up to 4,000 points per square meter with 1.5cm vertical and 2.0cm horizontal positional accuracies. This point density is close to photography allowing LiDAR technicians to extract highly detailed planimetric and terrain features. The accuracy and efficiency of this system make it a cost-effective tool in providing a complete inventory of assets. All assets and associated attributes can be placed in a predetermined geodatabase schema for the client. G&AI is currently completing an asset inventory for the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, consisting of 2,300 miles of roadway with approximately 200,000 assets extracted from mobile LiDAR data

Vehicle-Mounted Mobile LiDAR

This configuration of mobile LiDAR system is by far the most prevalent one. In order to collect data while traveling along roads, railways, or other linear corridors, LiDAR sensors are mounted on various types of vehicles, such as cars, trucks, and trains. Mobile LiDAR systems that are installed on vehicles are increasingly being put to use for mapping transportation infrastructure, conducting asset inventories, and evaluating the state of road safety.

Vehicle-Mounted Mobile LiDAR

This configuration of mobile LiDAR system is by far the most prevalent one. In order to collect data while traveling along roads, railways, or other linear corridors, LiDAR sensors are mounted on various types of vehicles, such as cars, trucks, and trains. Mobile LiDAR systems that are installed on vehicles are increasingly being put to use for mapping transportation infrastructure, conducting asset inventories, and evaluating the state of road safety.

Boat-Mounted Mobile LiDAR

In this configuration, LiDAR sensors are affixed to boats and other types of marine vessels in order to collect data from bodies of water, shorelines, and coastal areas. Mobile LiDAR systems that are mounted on boats are put to use for hydrographic surveys, the management of coastal zones, and underwater mapping.

Boat-Mounted Mobile LiDAR

In this configuration, LiDAR sensors are affixed to boats and other types of marine vessels in order to collect data from bodies of water, shorelines, and coastal areas. Mobile LiDAR systems that are mounted on boats are put to use for hydrographic surveys, the management of coastal zones, and underwater mapping.

Handheld Mobile LiDAR

Handheld mobile LiDAR devices are transportable, lightweight systems that can be carried by a person to collect data in regions that are difficult or impossible for vehicles to access readily. When high-resolution scanning is required for an application, one type of mobile LiDAR is frequently utilized for the task. Common applications for this type of mobile LiDAR include indoor mapping, architecture, and the documenting of cultural heritage.

Backpack Mobile LiDAR

In a manner analogous to that of handheld LiDAR, backpack mobile LiDAR systems give operators the ability to carry the LiDAR scanner on their backs while walking or hiking in order to survey difficult terrains, woods, or other areas that are inaccessible to vehicles. These devices find use in a variety of applications, including forest monitoring, environmental observation, and damage assessment.

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